
By delivering a dynamic and rigorous curriculum, we will maximise student growth and achievement.
Strategic Direction

Wilderness School’s strategic priorities from 2020-2022 are underpinned by four key priorities: Girl Focused, Centre of Innovation and Excellence, A Thriving and Connected Community and Stewardship.

Learn More. Read more about Strategic Direction
Global Alliances

By collaborating with industry leaders and outstanding girls’ schools nationally and internationally we are able to promote sharing, innovation and evidence-based decision making.

Learn More. Read more about Global Alliances
Learning that Matters

Wilderness provides a positive, nurturing, success orientated environment where we recognise and cater for individual differences. Our curriculum is constantly evaluated to ensure the best possible education to meet each girl’s needs in our constantly changing world.

Learn More. Read more about Learning that Matters

Technology is deeply embedded in the way our students learn and how our teachers approach their practise.

Learn More. Read more about Technology
Progressive Educators

We aim to build a community of professional practice that privileges a growth mindset and supports teachers to reflect on, question and intentionally improve their practice.

Learn More. Read more about Progressive Educators