Student Experiences

Each girl leaves Wilderness with a deep understanding of and appreciation for the world and the people who live in it.

A globally conscious student is one who can investigate the world, weigh perspectives, communicate effectively with diverse audiences and take action.

At Wilderness we believe it is important for our girls to have the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues, to understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people from different cultures and to act for collective wellbeing and sustainable development.

Our student experiences allow them to embrace the challenges of living in a global community and facilitate the development of life-long friendships and enduring experiences.

Providing invaluable rewards where life skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation skills, cultural adaptation and international understanding are cultivated, many of the opportunities offered combine the cultural experience of global travel with an outreach component. This allows our girls to see beyond their own world and truly understand their place in a global society.

Every year Wilderness offers overseas trips and exchange programs which enhance global competencies. Our students can practise another language they have learned and experience different cultures firsthand. Here, our girls learn that they are citizens of the world.

Student Exchange opportunities to Sydney as well as to international schools in New Zealand and South Africa are offered to students from Years 8 to 10. This is in addition to our overseas trips and tours to China, Japan and Europe offered to students from Years 9 to 12

Service in Nepal

One of the principles of Wilderness School is that with privilege comes responsibility; a responsibility to use our position to help others less fortunate than ourselves and a responsibility to instil within our students the belief that they can make a difference.

For over 20 years the Wilderness School community, has helped shape the lives of Nepalese communities by paying teacher salaries, improving infrastructure, buying school supplies and offering scholarships to complete school and attend university.

In 2005, together with Wilderness in Nepal, we established a long-standing connection with the Bhadure School. Nestled in the mountains of Western Nepal, the school caters for senior secondary students.

Providing opportunities for girls to finish their education, we sponsor 34 girls to attend either school (Years 10-12) or university. Families of the Wilderness School Boarding House sponsor 11 girls ranging from 7 - 13 years of age to board weekly and attend school. This is in addition to funding teachers’ salaries for Years 10, 11 and 12 and meeting the operating expenses of the Boarding House.

Wilderness also helped to establish the Kushudebu Public Health Mission in the Solukhumbu District, a very isolated area of the Everest Region in the Himalayas. Health care has been provided to thousands of people, some of whom had to walk for five days to receive treatment.

Recognising the needs of these communities, to date we have raised over $350,000 for these worthwhile projects.

Every third year Wilderness School students in Years 10 to 12 have the opportunity to experience a physical, emotional, mental and cultural challenge in a beautiful part of the world and see first-hand the benefits the Bhadure School has enjoyed through the long-standing commitment of our community.

The 22 day journey includes a spectacular 15 day trek in the Annapurna region combined with an immersion program at Bhadure School and exploration of Pokhara and Kathmandu.