Vision & Values

Our mission is to enable every girl to be the best she can be throughout her life.

The Misses Brown founded this School with the strong belief in the need for unlimited kindness in relationships, joy in learning and academic adventure, a spirit of humility and the balance between seeking individual excellence and success and generous service to the community.

Our Mission

To enable every girl to be the best she can be throughout her life.

Our Vision

Wilderness School will be a world leader in girls’ education. We will equip each girl to succeed in her personal and professional life.

Our Values

The following values guide every part of Wilderness School's culture, relationships, teaching and learning programs and practices. At Wilderness School we promote, enable and nurture:

Respectful Relationships

Compassionate, kind, friendly and hospitable girls who form and maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships

Responsible Citizenship

Responsible, respectful and generous global citizens and leaders, who act with integrity for a socially just world and a sustainable future for the Earth

Adventurous Learning

Creative, independent and collaborative learners who seek excellence and success

A True and Courageous Self

Resilient, vibrant and spiritually aware girls, confident in themselves and appreciative of others