
Wilderness is proud to offer various academic, boarding and entry scholarships to girls whom we believe will thrive academically and personally at the School.

A Wilderness Tuition Scholarship will provide your daughter with every opportunity to achieve her personal best and to become an independent and responsible young woman, able to take her place confidently in the world beyond school.

Each year we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships to girls who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability, a commitment to pursuing further academic success, who embody the School Values and in turn make a significant contribution to the life of the School.

We invite you and your daughter to take advantage of this very special opportunity.

Wilderness Scholarships:

Year 10 2026 Community Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 10, 2026
Applications Open: August 2024
Applications Close 24 Jan 2025

The Wilderness School Community Entrance Scholarship was established in 2021 by Wilderness School’s current and past parent, old scholar, student and donor communities, and other friends of the School, to open a doorway to a brand new future to a girl who would otherwise be unable to attend a school like Wilderness.

DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM. Read more about Year 10 2026 Community Entrance Scholarship
Year 7 2026 Academic Open Scholarship

Entry: Year 7, 2026
Applications Open: Monday 23 September 2024
Applications Close January 2025

A small number of Academic Scholarships are offered to current or new entrance students who will be in Year 7 in 2026. Applicants will be required to sit an ACER examination.

Download application form. Read more about Year 7 2026 Academic Open Scholarship
Year 7 2026 All Rounder Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 7, 2026
Applications Open: August 2024
Applications Close Friday 25 October 2024

An All Rounder Scholarship will be awarded to a new student who can demonstrate skills across a number of key areas including academic, leadership, sports, music, performing arts or community service.

Download application form. Read more about Year 7 2026 All Rounder Entrance Scholarship
Year 7 2026 Music Open Scholarship

Entry: Year 7, 2026
Applications Open: August 2024
Applications Close Friday 25 October 2024

A Music Scholarship will be awarded to current or new entrance students who can demonstrate a Grade 3 AMEB or higher standard in music. The successful applicant will be selected through an audition and interview process.

Download application form. Read more about Year 7 2026 Music Open Scholarship
Year 7 – 11 2026 Boarding Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 7 to Year 11, 2026
Applications Open: August 2024
Applications Close Friday 25 October 2024

A small number of Wilderness Boarding Scholarships will be awarded to girls who demonstrate a willingness to contribute in a positive way to their school and/or local community along with achievement in academics, arts, sport or music.

Download application form. Read more about Year 7 – 11 2026 Boarding Entrance Scholarship
Indigenous Youth Leadership Project (IYLP)

Entry: Years 7-11
Applications Open: March 2025
Applications Close: May 2025

The IYLP offers scholarships and leadership opportunities to young Indigenous Australians, with a focus on youth from remote and regional communities with funding support through the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Future Scholarships:

The Brown Sisters’ Memorial Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 10, 2027
Applications Open: September 2025

The Brown Sisters’ Memorial Entrance Scholarship provides the gift of a Wilderness education to an academically talented girl from outside of our school, who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Wilderness.

Year 10 2027 Old Scholars' Open Scholarship

Entry: Year 10, 2027
Applications Open: August 2025
Applications Closed

The Old Scholars’ Year 10 Scholarship is awarded to a current or new entrance student. She must be the daughter or grand-daughter of an old scholar who is a financial member of the Old Scholars’ Association.

Year 10 2028 Creswell Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 10, 2028
Applications Open: August 2026
Applications Closed

Bequeathed by old scholar Miss Joan Creswell (Class of 1947), the Creswell Year 10 Entrance Scholarship provides the gift of a Wilderness education to a girl who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Wilderness.

Year 8 2030 RH Rischbieth Family Boarding Entrance Scholarship

Entry: Year 8, 2030
Applications Open: August 2028
Applications Closed

The Rischbieth Scholarship opens a new world of possibilities and assists the recipient to realise their educational and personal potential. This scholarship provides tuition and boarding at Wilderness School from Year 8-12 and is awarded to a girl who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Wilderness.

For further information on our Scholarships please contact Mrs Natalie Klein, our Academic Registrar via email or phone (+618) 8344 6688. Alternatively, we welcome you to join us for a School Tour.